
Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Exciting Term 3

The first thing I enjoyed this term was cross country.

First we walked to College Rifles.  Next we saw the girl race they were very quick. Then the boys got up, we did a warm up with Mr Ramdhanie. Finally we went to start line and then we started to run.  I came 8th.

The second thing I enjoyed was the disco.

First I did my hair and I put on my clothes.  Next I went to the disco with my friend Sacha.

Then we partied so hard that we got sweaty. Finally we got to eat and then we went home.

My third thing I liked this term was the assembly.

First thing I did was went on the stage.  Next the people came in to watch our assembly.

Then we started our assembly.  It was cool.  Our assembly was about kos and movie making.  Finally we finished our assembly.

by Lek 

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha Lek girls race fast. More like boys, but girls, yeah they do run fast, considering I'm a girl.

    From Amy-Rose
