
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Last day of Term and Farewell

We finally made it to the end of Term 3!  All the students are looking forward to their two week break.  It has been a very busy term with Film Festival, Cross Country, Assembly and Art Exhibition.

Sadly, we say good-bye to Yunji who will be leaving us.  We wish Yunji all the best at her new school.

To Room 19: Let us know what you have been doing over the holidays by posting a comment on this post.  Remember to check and edit your writing before you post.  You may want to get someone to check it before you submit.  Make sure that they are 'quality comments'.

Have a wonderful holiday!  Check back on here for more pictures and videos of our Room 19's Got a Talent on the last day of school.

Ms. Lologa:)


  1. Dear Miss Lolonga,

    In the holidays I got my own Library Card. I finished 1 book in 1 day!!!!

    From your fellow student,
    Thomas P

    1. Dear Thomas,

      Great to hear from you! That is awesome you have your own library card. I remember owning a library card at your age and I loved going to the library especially on Friday evenings as there was always something happening at our local library.

      What was the name of the book that you read? Would you recommend it to the class? I would be interested to find out more about it.

      Hope you're enjoying the holidays so far!

      From Miss Lologa

  2. Wow! it must be really hard to say goodbye to Yunji she was one of my best friends and I wish her the best for her new school.

  3. Hello Room 19,

    I really like your blog I think you would like my classes blog it is Roon 34 all stars I really hope you like it.

  4. Dear Tom,

    I agree with miss lolnga that is pretty exiting except I only get books from the school libary. I thought you had to be 18 to get a libary card well I guess that is not the case.
    From Rebecca
